In creating WiseGP, we have spoken with many primary care healthcare professionals. Lots of you have already worked together on innovative Knowledge Work projects. Making connections with like-minded people in General Practice scholarship is an invaluable way to learn and develop your portfolio of skills.
You may want to find other primary care healthcare clinicians who are doing similar work to you, or get involved with an organisation local to you who promote scholarship in General Practice. We have included links here to the groups we know of and if you are part of, or know of other groups you would like us to connect with do get in touch.
Click on each one to find out more about what they’re doing and how you can get in touch.
A UK-wide network of enthusiastic primary care health professionals that collectively design and take part in well-designed high impact primary care research and quality improvement projects that seek to improve patient care. We would like EVERYONE to get involved, no matter how little research experience or time you might have.

Scientists involved in Primary Healthcare research make up a significant proportion of the Academic Primary Care workforce. The Society for Academic Primary Care PHOCUS group support SAPC members in the multidisciplinary team in career development especially researchers new to academic primary care.

GP journal club uses Twitter to discuss primary care relevant research, guidelines and editorials each month via a tweet-chat. This is open to anyone around the world using the power of social media to facilitate topical discussion, encourage international collaboration and promote evidence-based practice.

The JIC made up of UK GP trainees and First5s who are interested in International Health. They aim to involve junior doctors in global health related academic and educational activities, and to develop long term global partnerships to promote and support primary healthcare within healthcare systems.
The WISE Academy at Hull York Medical School supports local GPs and GP trainees looking to develop clinical scholarship skills to support their portfolio career interests. The group includes GP academic trainees, portfolio fellows, and those interested in finding out more about the possibilities.
Our research map allows you to find, connect and collaborate with other like-minded primary care clinicians. Use the map to find out what scholarship activities are happening in organisations near you, or make connections with colleagues in other parts of the country. You can get in touch via the profile links or add yourself to the map by filling in this form.